kim departe





I explore digital art, philosophy and ​concepts


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A venir

Art Réseau (Net Art)

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Esthétique de l'Erreur: Glitch Art

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Hi​gh Tech ou Low tech

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L’art numérique

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Filter jusuqu’à l’AR

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In​fini ?

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Bi​o Art

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La​ présentation

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Mi​cro mouvement

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IA​ Art

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Ar​t Immersif

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La​ curation dans l’art digital

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La​ complexité

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Pi​xel Art

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Art In​teractif

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Ephémère ?​

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Ar​t génératif

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Le Pixel dans l'Art - Lire sur Medium en francais

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The pixel as medium - Read on Medium in English

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Le Cadre : De l’Art traditionnel aux Oeuvres Numériques - Lire sur Medium en français

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The Frame: From Traditional Art to Digital Art - Read on Medium in English

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Remédiation et Rétromédiation - Lire sur Medium en francais

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Remediation and Retromediation - Read on Medium in English

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Biologie Numérique - Lire sur Med​ium en francais

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Digital Biology - Read on Medi​um in English

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**Gifforaphie (n. f.)** - Lire sur Medium en francais

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**Gifforaphy (n. f.)** - Read on Medium in English

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IN II, serie Cadre, ai 2024

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ASMR Visuel - Lire sur Medium en francais

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Visual ASMR - Read on Medium in English

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I am very pleased to present my dissertation, to be completed under the supervision of Corine GIRIEUD in 2021.

This thesis explores the emergence of human augmentation, the hybridization of humans and machines in contemporary art, and the ethical and deontological implications of transhumanism. It examines how these technological advancements influence artistic creation and our perceptions of identity in the 21st century.

"The machine is not an 'it' to be animated, worshiped, and dominated. The machine is us, our processes, an aspect of our embodiment. We can be responsible for machines, they do not dominate us, they do not threaten us. We are responsible for boundaries, we are the boundaries."


A Cyborg Manifesto and Other Essays. p.80, Exils éditeur, Paris, 1991.

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je suis très heureuse de vous présenter mon mémoire, réalise sous la direction de Corine GIRIEUD en 2021.

Ce mémoire explore l'émergence de l'augmentation humaine, les hybridations homme-machine dans l'art contemporain, et les implications éthiques et déontologiques du transhumanisme. Il interroge comment ces évolutions technologiques influencent la création artistique et nos perceptions identitaires au XXIème siècle.

« La machine n’est pas un «ceci» qui doit etre animé, vénéré et dominé. La machine est nous, elle est nos processus, un aspect de notre incarnation. Nous pouvons être responsables des machines, elles ne nous dominent pas, elles ne nous menacent pas. Nous sommes responsables des frontières, nous sommes les frontières. »


Manifeste cyborg et autres essais. p.80, Exils éditeur, Paris, 1991.

After five years at the Beaux-Arts, I spent three years deepening my understanding of the art market, specialising in digital art. The advent of AIs has enabled me to develop an artistic and conversational dialogue with them, opening up perspectives that I wouldn't have been able to explore on my own. I present here a selection of works co-created with AI and retouched manually. My plan is to have them hand-painted and framed in 3D printed frames, moulded in resin as appropriate.

My projects

Based on these theoretical and plastic reflections, I create works that you can find here. Don't hesitate to have a look and to send me your comments so that I can go even further.

DigitARt, an association that creates annual augmented reality itineraries in the streets of the Marais district.

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Fu2ion, is studio that brings together artists and brands. I ​urge you to follow these two projects.

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BLOCART, My services as art advice, initiation, curation, etc.

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kim departe

Paris - Geneva

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